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Access Control Cards and Credentials and Security news — New Look

Wannacry Ransomeware Advisory

Posted by Marc Levesque on

Wannacry Ransomeware Advisory

Ashton Security Inc. News May 17, 2017 Since May 13th 2017, a rapidly spreading infection of ransomware known as WannaCry has been causing significant problems around the world. For the cybersecurity advisory providing background information on the attack, product affected/unaffected, and further guidance on what installers and end-users can do to prevent their devices from being compromised. If you have Security Systems being affected feel free to contact us here. Support@ashtonsecurity.com What is ransomware? Ransomware is a form of malware which affects its victims by encrypting the files on the infected system. The software informs the victim of the infection and...

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February 10/2015 Ashton Security Inc. New Store Front

Posted by Marc Levesque on

We made the decision to move over our Storefront to a more conventional platform which will allow us a greater ease of management and reporting tools. 

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