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Access Control Cards and Credentials and Security news — #swipe card

Product Update Summer 2023 Back to Work

Posted by Marc Levesque on

Product Update Summer 2023 Back to Work
Ashton Security Inc. has partnered up with several manufacturers to limit exposures to aftermarket and refurbished products that have started appearing in some distribution channels and on-line market space.

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Supply chain reaches critical levels of disruption (Industry News)

Posted by Marc Levesque on

Supply chain reaches critical levels of disruption (Industry News)

Looking at the November projections on the Kantech product delivery delays shows that the timelines have not improved. As Black Friday and Cyber Monday approaches it is likely we will see these time lines push out into the new year.                                                                           The P10SHL cards along with many other 3rd party access cards manufactured in Asia are back ordered. Ashton Security Inc. managed to secure...

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October 2021 - Industry Wide Price Increases.

Posted by Marc Levesque on

October 2021 - Industry Wide Price Increases.

It has been anticipated that hardware and credentials would be significantly impacted in the fall of 2021. As of this date we have been advised that we will see an industry wide increase starting the first week of October, I know we have been stressing this point frequently in our blogs and newsletters but we do feel that sharing this information enables our customers to address their system and budgetary requirements. We endeavor to buffer and minimize these fluctuations, unfortunately these latest increases will have an impact on most of our products. We pride ourselves in having some of the...

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