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Access Control & Covid-19

Posted by Marc Levesque on

There has been a significant effort put forth by many facility managers dealing with the challenges of limiting staff access to buildings and remote sites with the ever present Covid-19 restrictions as it pertains to office and plant workers. Managing groups and class of workers is mitigated by the use of an effective access control system. Ashton Security has assisted numerous entities with this effort, a common issue with many of these managers is the lack of cardholder group definitions and pre-defined access levels. In many cases Access Control dealers pre-can basic cardholder groups and access levels and fail to instruct the client on how these can be expanded upon. Ashton Security Inc. suggests that you predefined a quantity of Cardholder groups along with Access Level to allow quick and easy programming of your complete cardholder list

A cardholder group would be defined as employees that have common traits, ie. Shift Workers or Administration staff, Management or Office workers. This formulation of cardholders can be refereed to in the aggregate as the "Who"

An access level is defined as selecting one or many time segments and one or many access points (doors) which becomes the "Where and When" selection pick list.

With the aforementioned bundling of parameters, "Who, Where,When, the task of controlling access to a facility is simplified with just a few keystrokes.

An important tool to remember -Identifying access levels can be a challenge as it demands boring down into the programming to see what the parameters and how time segments are set. An easy solution is to name your access levels in such a way that it's privileges "Where/When" are easily identifiable and not requiring additional steps in your programming efforts. Also naming your "Class" or "Groups" definitions of your cardholders "Who" is an easy method to alter your whole facilities labor force. This is a keen and nifty feature on many Access System.

The above may seem like second nature to many who work with these systems daily but for many Facility Managers who interact with the software only a few times a month this simplifies the task of altering larger groups of cardholders with a more dynamic and varied access level. The ability to alter site attendance and security access if your facility is shut down or is re-opening can be simplified by these simple steps.

Looking for more information like this sign up for our newsletter/blog at Ashton Security Inc. We offer Cards, Credentials and Fobs for most access system manufacturers.


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